how to increase deep sleep In the Elderly

Learn How to Increase Deep Sleep In Elderly With Help of Ayurveda

Mar 21, 2024

Achieving deep sleep becomes especially difficult as we age since our sleep patterns frequently alter. Slow-wave sleep, sometimes referred to as deep sleep, is essential for general health and well-being, particularly in the elderly. We will know how to increase deep sleep In the Elderly look in this post to assist older folks get more deep sleep.


Understanding Deep Sleep

Slow brain waves, relaxed muscles, a slowed heart rate, and shallow breathing are signs of deep sleep. The body goes through critical processes for memory consolidation, repair, and restoration during this phase. For immune system control, cognitive function, and general physical health, deep sleep is essential. 


Factors Affecting Deep Sleep in the Elderly

The elderly's decreased ability to get deep sleep is caused by multiple reasons. The architecture of sleep alters with age, with less time spent in deep sleep stages and less overall sleep duration. Furthermore, diseases like neurological illnesses, rheumatoid arthritis, and sleep apnea can interfere with deep sleep and disturb sleep cycles. Drugs that are frequently administered to senior citizens, such as beta-blockers and antidepressants, might also affect how well they sleep.


Tips for Increasing Deep Sleep in the Elderly

  • Establishing a Bedtime Routine: Establishing a regular nighttime routine tells the body when it's time to relax and get ready for sleep. Both the body and the mind can be relaxed by engaging in activities like reading, light stretching, or having a warm bath.


  • Creating a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Make sure the bedroom is cold, quiet, and dark so that you can sleep well. Invest in pillows and a comfy mattress to encourage good alignment and lessen pain at sleep.


  • Encouraging Physical Activity: Frequent daytime activity improves the quality of sleep at night. Walking, swimming, and yoga are a few exercises that help enhance general sleep patterns and lengthen the time spent in deep sleep.


  • Managing Stress and Anxiety: Before going to bed, you can reduce stress and encourage relaxation by engaging in relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, or meditation.


  • Monitoring Diet and Caffeine Intake: Heavy meals, coffee, and alcohol should be avoided right before bed because they might interfere with sleep cycles and prevent the body from entering deep sleep.


Utilizing Technology for Better Sleep

The elderly can now sleep better thanks to a variety of equipment and devices made possible by technological advancements. Smartphone apps and sleep-tracking devices can track sleep patterns and provide information on the quantity and quality of sleep. Furthermore, sound therapy equipment and white noise generators can produce a relaxing atmosphere that encourages restful sleep. Light therapy, which exposes individuals to specific wavelengths of light, can help regulate circadian rhythms and promote better sleep-wake cycles.


Visiting Geriatric Wellness Ayurveda Retreat 

Apart from trying the above tips, one can also visit our Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat for Geriatrics. At our Ayurvedic retreat, Geriatric care entails individualized attention and comprehensive treatment approaches catered to the special requirements of senior citizens. The goal of the traditional Indian medical system known as Ayurveda is to bring the body, mind, and spirit back into harmony and balance.

Seniors who attend our Ayurvedic retreat with a focus on geriatric care receive thorough evaluations to pinpoint imbalances and health issues. Therapies including yoga, meditation, herbal remedies, and light massages are used to boost energy, reduce pain, and improve general health.

Our retreat environment offers tranquility and rejuvenation, allowing seniors to unwind and connect with nature. Nutritious meals, herbal supplements, and lifestyle recommendations are provided to support healthy aging and longevity.


Some Ayurvedic Medicines That Improve Sleep Quality

  • Ashwagandha Powder: The adaptogenic herb ashwagandha, from which Ashwagandha powder is made, is well known for its capacity to ease tension and encourage relaxation, which helps older people sleep longer and more soundly. Ashwagandha Powder's inherent relaxing qualities make it a gentle and comprehensive way to enhance overall well-being and the quality of your sleep.


  • Punarnava Powder: Natural Ayurvedic supplement Punarnava powder is well known for its revitalizing qualities, which improve renal health, reduce fluid retention, and strengthen cardiovascular function. Punarnava Powder's strong anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties may help seniors sleep better by easing discomfort and encouraging relaxation that results in restorative sleep.


  • Bhringraj Tablets: Ayurvedic Bhringraj Tablets, made from the Bhringraj plant, are well known for their ability to improve deep sleep and encourage relaxation. This makes them particularly helpful for elderly people who have trouble falling asleep. These tablets, which contain natural components well-known for their calming effects, provide an all-encompassing solution for enhancing sleep quality and promoting general well-being in senior citizens.



From the above details, we believe you’ll get to know how to increase deep sleep in the elderly. Especially as we become older, getting deep sleep is crucial to preserving our best health and well-being. Older people can have better sleep and get the rewards of restorative sleep by making lifestyle changes, using technology, and consulting a professional or visiting an Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat.